By Andrew Mizner
The increased use of African arbitration institutions has been fuelled by investment, and confidence from the legal and business communities, but governments need to do more if these centres are to capitalise.
There has been plenty of talk about making more use of African arbitration centres over the past decade, but the uptake has been limited, with foreign parties reluctant to go beyond tried and tested institutions in Europe or Asia. Gradually though, some centres have built a body of work based on domestic cases and the odd international matter, and benefitted from foreign experience-sharing initiatives.
Published in March Herbert Smith Freehills’ (HSF) Guide to Dispute Resolution in Africa revealed that the proportion of arbitrations at African institutions had increased. This was attributed to rising foreign investment, a desire for quicker alternatives than the congested post-pandemic courts, and greater empowerment that has allowed states and parties to insist on using ‘onshore’ African centres.
Crucially, the legal framework has improved throughout the continent. Recognition of the New York Convention, which guarantees enforcement of arbitral awards, has reached 42 out of 54 countries, most recently Malawi in March 2021. Meanwhile 10 countries, including Mauritius, Rwanda and South Africa have adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law. Others, including Ethiopia, Ghana and Tanzania, have modernised their arbitration laws, with Sierra Leone the latest to consider joining them.
By aligning themselves with international best practice, “interpretation of the rules becomes a lot easier”, eliminating an excuse which foreign parties would use, says Johannesburg-based HSF partner Jonathan Ripley-Evans, a co-author of the report. “One of the challenges in the past was the lack of uniformity. We had too many institutions on the African continent pulling in different directions.”
Now however, “we have certainly noted more confidence from parties on the continent”, continues Ripley-Evans. “When Africans start having more faith in African institutions and arbitrators, that is how things will grow a little bit more quickly, [rather] than expecting foreign parties to have blind confidence in institutions that they possibly are not aware of.”
As speakers at last month’s London International Disputes Week observed, African lawyers and firms are less willing to rely on their international colleagues than previously, and the balance of power is shifting towards African businesses and governments when dealings with foreign investors.
That pressure is now “more challenging for foreign companies to rebut”, says Paris-based HSF co-author Laurence Franc-Menget. For example, in Ivory Coast the local code of investment has been amended so that investors must take investor-state disputes to the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA), operated by the Central and West African Organization for the Harmonization in Africa of Business Law (OHADA), which itself modernised its arbitration law in 2017.
Similarly, Ripley-Evans says the decision by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to adopt the rules of the Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa (AFSA) as standard, “is a massive step in the right direction, because that will give a little bit of continuity between all SADC countries as to the gold standard for arbitral rules”.
Room for improvement
The problems have not been solved overnight. The track record of these centres, while improved, is still not comprehensive and concerns remain about bringing arbitration-related administrative proceedings in local courts.
Ultimately though, Franc-Menget is confident that the trend will continue. “[Arbitration] is a question of negotiation in a contract. In this negotiation, there has been evolution between the parties, and this evolution naturally leads to more onshore arbitration.”
For now, that favours older, better-established centres such as the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA) in Egypt, but others such as the Kigali International Arbitration Centre are building their body of work.
Law firms can help, Franc-Menget notes: “Our role as international firms is to help those arbitration centres to be as experienced as possible and to overcome all the hurdles.”
Even more important than rules, best practice and good arbitrators, says Ripley-Evans “is the attitude of the country” and the desire “for legislative reform”, particularly to adopt the model law or equivalent “to bring forward that predictability”.
“You see certain jurisdictions where they have tried to advance their rules in line with international best practice, but the local legislation governing arbitrations seated in that jurisdiction is archaic or outdated and that then detracts from bringing arbitrations to that region,” he warns.
Franc-Menget lists three requirements for arbitration centres: experience in administrative proceedings, content of the rules and “the composition of the secretariat itself, the independence and impartiality of its members, because the secretariat can deal with challenges to arbitrators”.
Reliable information and data about the centres are also required, and the HSF team has worked with AFSA to include anonymised awards in its reports.
Some lawyers with experience of African arbitration have complained that the administrative services offered by the centres is poor, and Ripley-Evans acknowledges that many international users are used to “well-oiled machines” with “slick” business procedures, whereas for many of the African institutions those processes “are still evolving”.
Some patience and support are required: “It is a chicken-and-egg scenario. They have got to have the support of the referrals in order to generate the revenue in order to improve their systems. There is a bit of a leap of faith required. That is why African parties have a big role to play in supporting their own institutions.”
Looking forward
The only real question about this growth is, “at what pace” it will continue, says Ripley-Evans. “If governments see arbitration as a challenge or a threat to courts then this growth will slow down, but it won’t ever stop.”
The African Promise was established in 2019 to improve representation among the ranks of arbitrators and demand for diversity in the profession is only increasing. From the perspective of an international client, explains Ripley-Evans, “the appointment of an African arbitrator is less risky than an arbitration on the continent in the jurisdiction where you are not sure whether you would get the support of the state courts”. Over time though, that should lead to greater use of the arbitral institutions themselves.
“It always comes down to how committed the users of arbitration are and that is down to the law firms,” he adds.
“Once we start understanding the real reasons why arbitrations are or are not going to a particular jurisdiction, we can start addressing them,” he continues, concluding: “Cultural sensitivity is something that is learned over time and that will always play a role in resolving disputes in Africa. The fact that conversation is improving in relation to understanding the cultural pressures on the continent is a very important step.” ((ALB)