Author: David Wanjala

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission CEO, Mr. Twalib Mbarak has called on the Kenyan youth to take a keen interest and play an active role in leadership and governance matters in the society. Mr. Mbarak provided numerous pathways through which the young people could access and engage in public affairs, including through advocacy, research and innovation, as integrity champions, and by actively participating in electoral processes. He was addressing Pwani University students in Kilifi in a public lecture organized in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The lecture, themed “Youth and Governance in Kenya: Does…

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By David Wanjala Principal Secretary, State Department of Forestry, Mr. Gitonga Mugambi was recently quoted in one of the local dailies hailing the Government’s move to recover forest land worth Sh100 million in Ngong, Kajiado County. The said land is a 3.5acre piece that had been carved out of Kibiku Forest, next to the Kenya Institute of Highways and Building Technology by a developer for private use. Already, the grabber was in the process of developing the land when the Government, according to the PS, moved to reclaim it. One may think, from the PS’s statement, that Government, on its…

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It has been smooth sailing for President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza Government in the courts of law ever since the Apex Court decided the Presidential Election Petition of 2022 in their favour and ushered them into power. The cosy relationship between the Executive and the Judiciary that ensued after Kenya Kwanza formed government had legal pundits wondering if the Judiciary would guard our progressive Constitution against Executive excesses of the new political dispensation. First, President Ruto appointed into office in September, hardly a month after assuming office, the six judges his predecessor had rejected in June 2021. President Uhuru Kenyatta’s…

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The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) on Tuesday, 11 July, led Kenyans in marking the Annual African Anti-Corruption Day. This commemoration provides a platform for anti-corruption stakeholders to reflect on the progress made, the challenges encountered, and the reform opportunities available in the journey towards the elusive but much-desired ethical Kenyan society. The overall objective of African Anti-Corruption Day is to give prominence to the fight against corruption by commemorating the adoption of the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC) as a mechanism for fighting corruption in Africa. The AUCPCC has five key objectives in the anti-corruption…

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A significant obstacle to a smooth administrative operation at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) in the run-up to and in the near bungling of the August 2022 Presidential Election was the delayed filling of the four vacant positions in the Commission. The now infamous Cherera four were sworn into office in September 2021, hardly a year to the impending General Election of August 2022. The four, including Vice Chair Juliana Cherera, Francis Wanderi, Irene Masit, and Justus Nyang’aya, took up positions that had remained vacant for four years. The previous holders of the positions, including Vice Chairperson Consolata…

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