Author: Silas Apollo

The process of vetting cabinet secretary nominees appointed by President William Ruto commenced in Parliament on Friday morning. This is after the committee on appointments chaired by Speaker of the National Assembly Moses Wetang’ula convened to set the ground rules for the approval hearings of the CS nominees. Wetang’ula led the team in setting the mood and preparing for the upcoming vetting of CS nominees starting on Thursday, August 1, 2024. “Members, as you are aware, the House received nomination of 20 persons for appointment as Cabinet Secretaries. As a matter of procedure that list of appointees was referred to…

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The Senate has called for compensation for all victims of police brutality related to peaceful protests that occurred in various parts of the country this year as well as last year. The House, in a resolution passed by Senators on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, also asked the National Police Service (NPS) to acknowledge and apologize for all deaths resulting from peaceful demonstrations. The move, senators argue, is part of the plans to help initiate a national conversation and foster an amiable environment following protests witnessed across the country over the last five weeks. Senators argued that the steps were essential…

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Members of Parliament have proposed a reduction of funds to the three arms of government in the current financial year as part of the ongoing austerity measures to reduce public spending. The National Assembly’s Budget and Appropriations Committee now wants allocations to the three arms of government, constitutional commissions and independent offices reduced by about Sh156.4 billion. The proposals, contained in the Supplementary Estimates 1 for the 2024/25 financial year, have also called for a reduction in development expenditure by about Sh122.4 billion. Committee chairman Ndindi Nyoro, in a report set to be tabled before the House for debate, argues…

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The National Assembly will resume its regular sittings tomorrow, Tuesday, July 23, following a short recess that began on Wednesday, June 26. MPs return to a busy schedule with crucial Bills awaiting consideration, including the Supplementary Appropriations Bill, which aims to adjust government spending for the current fiscal year (FY 2024/25). The Budget and Appropriation Committee is expected to present a report before the House debate and consideration. This follows the conclusion of departmental committee reviews on Supplementary Estimates 1, designed to align government expenditures with current needs. If approved, a Supplementary Appropriation Bill, 2024 will be introduced to amend…

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The National Assembly departmental committee on education has asked the National Treasury to reinstate the budget allocation for the hiring of junior secondary school teachers. The committee during a meeting chaired by its chairperson Julius Melly said that the allocation would also go a long way in implementing the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) and the medical cover for teachers. The CBA and the medical cover agreement had been signed between the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and teachers as part of a return to work agreement. Melly made the remarks during a meeting with TSC chief executive officer Nancy Macharia to…

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Siaya High Court Judge Daniel Ogembo was on Wednesday morning found dead inside his residential house in Siaya Town. The judge, until his untimely death, was the presiding judge at Siaya High Court. Ogembo is said to have on Tuesday afternoon complained he was not feeling well despite honouring his work calendar. This is according to his driver who on Wednesday, July 17, raised the alarm after the judge failed to pick up his calls and text messages. The driver said that he was forced to seek help in breaking into the home of the judge to check up on…

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The High Court has ordered the government to pay the family of the late Pakistani journalist Arshad Sharif Sh10 million as compensation for the loss of life. This is after the court ruled that the shooting of Sharif in Kajiado by police in 2022 was arbitrary and unconstitutional. Justice Stella Mutuku said the shooting on October 23, 2022 violated Sharif’s right to life, right to equal benefit and protection of the law and right dignity. The judge ordered the government to pay the family the sum of Sh10 million as compensation for the loss of life. The court however, suspended…

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The Supreme Court has suffered a major setback in its case against Senior Counsel Ahmednasir Abdullahi who was banned from appearing in the apex court early this year. Last week, the High Court declined to dismiss a petition filed by the Law Society of Kenya challenging the indefinite ban against Mr Abdullahi and ten of his associates. In his ruling, Justice Chacha Mwita argued that the High Court had the power to determine the petition because anyone claiming an infringement of their constitutional rights and freedoms has a right to be heard. The seven judges of the Supreme Court —…

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Opposition leader Raila Odinga’s bid for the African Union Commission chairman position is in limbo, after it emerged that the government is yet to formally submit his candidature ahead of elections next year. While President William Ruto’s led Kenya Kwanza administration had said that it would submit Odinga’s name by June 30, 2024, sources within government indicate that the name was yet to be submitted. The new development comes even as the ODM leader launched fresh attacks on the government following the two weeks demonstrations against the Finance Bill 2024. Odinga, during the burial of comedian Fred Omondi in Ugenya,…

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Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has demanded the resignation of National Intelligence Service (NIS) Director General Noordin Haji. Gachagua on Wednesday June 26, 2024, accused the spy chief of failing to advise President William Ruto on the Finance Bill 2024, leading to widespread chaos and death. The DP criticised Haji for mishandling intelligence that could have prevented the unrest that took place across the country on Tuesday. The protests resulted in the death of at least 10 protestors, injuries and the arrest of more than 50 people. Gachagua in his statement, alleged that Haji is now attempting to shift the blame…

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