By Yasin Arkan
He has realised Delilah’s deceit, borne of the Paradox of Democracy – her promise to be true to him, while she was there all the while to serve the established elite order. Delilah, like Democracy, is devious. She subdued Raila the man and his masses with promise. She became his quest, but her heart and title, power and prestige, both cold and hard remained the possession of the Philistine elites.
Now, vindictive and blind with rage, Samson will use Delilah, her sweet “freedom of speech”, completely unrestricted “freedom of assembly and association” to find his way to the pillars that hold up the city… and, if he cannot rule it, he will destroy it…
And the intelligentsia sense this and have articulated as such. In The Star, Godfrey K. Sang terms him “King of the Ashes”, and in the Nairobi Law Monthly, lawyer Kibe Mungai in “The Case for Uhuru” makes the submission that Raila is a demolition man.
Samson and Delilah, Raila and Democracy. A beautiful metaphor.
But does if effectively capture our situation after the highly polarising August Election political battle?
While the story of Samson and Delilah aptly caricatures Raila Odinga’s…
…to read more please purchase the Nairobi Law Monthly Magazine October 2017 Issue at only Kshs 350