Author: NLM writer

By David Wanjala Legal pro-bono work in Kenya is as old as the profession itself. Many leading lawyers have extended free services to deserving Kenyans whose financial and social limitations would otherwise mean they do not access justice.  It is only in the recent past that this noble undertaking has not only been recognized, but also appreciated.

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I believe with all my heart that there was no conspiracy at whatever level within the commission to confer or deny advantage to any presidential candidate. If there was such conspiracy, I was not aware and never became part of it

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Rewarding pro bono workBy David WanjalaLegal pro-bono work in Kenya is as old as the profession itself. Many leading lawyers have extended free services to Kenyans limited financially and who would otherwise hardly access justice.  Now, this noble undertaking has been recognized and appreciated.

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TI opposes death penalty for graft Transparency International (TI) Kenya has opposed a move by Kiharu MP Irungu Kang’ata to amend Section 48 of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act to impose the death penalty on those guilty of corruption.

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ONLINE FOREX CRAZECBK stranded as Kenyans rake in millions via internet money trading By EMMANUEL ROTICH It isn’t the much-chastised pyramid scheme. Not the elusive quail farming.The new money-minting craze is virtual forex trading.

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Kenya’s economy set to be the 4th largest in Sub-Saharan Africa after Nigeria, South Africa and Angola.By EMMANUEL ROTICHThe rebasing of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures due to be concluded by September 2014 in Kenya should

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